An online debate has erupted over the Golden Gaytime name

The Golden Gaytime is currently making waves in the media because of an online petition started by a man identified only as Brian MC, which suggests that the name of the iconic ice cream should be changed.

Brian MC created a petition calling for Streets to change the name of the Golden Gaytime, saying that is was “outdated” and a “double entendre” and offensive to the LGBTQ+ community.

In his petition, which has garnered more than 1,000 signatures, Brain MC, said: “As a part of the LGBTQIA+ community I believe my sexual identity is owned by me, not a brand and that the outdated meaning no longer applies. Isn’t it time for this double entendre to end?”

The Golden Gaytime was first released in Australia in 1959 when the word ‘gay’ had not yet been applied to gender preference but was simply defined as ‘light-hearted and carefree’.

Streets issued a statement in response to Brian MC’s petition, explaining its origins, and saying that “the ‘Gaytime’ name was related to having a joyous or happy time and was meant to capture the pleasure that comes with enjoying an ice cream”.

They continued by saying: “Following the rise of a visible LGBTQ+ community in Australia during the 1980s, rather than rename the ice cream, Streets embraced the connection by adopting the slogan, ‘It’s so hard to have a Gaytime on your own.’ Boxes of the ice creams sold in supermarkets still feature the words ‘4 delicious chances to have a gay time.”

In response, Brian MC has suggested that the brand should change its name to ‘Happy Time’ and remove the word ‘gay’.

The suggestion of a name change has come with a lot of mixed feelings from Australians, and while it’s garnered some support, there are also a vast number of people who are backing the nostalgic Australian ice cream.

A counter petition has been started by a man named Harley Weston, which has almost reached its goal of 200 signatures.

Weston said: “The name of an ice cream shouldn’t need to change because of the fact it has the word gay in it.

“Enough is Enough and as an gay and Homosexual Guy I don’t take any offence to this name and in fact love this ice cream.”

In the wake of the global Black Lives Matter movement, which highlighted racial inequalities and injustices, as well as commercial branding considered out of step with current sentiment, there have been a number of products that have chosen to rebrand, most recently Coon rebranded to Cheer Cheese.

Although the original name of Coon Cheese came from the brand’s founder, Edward William Coon, the brand acknowledged the racist connotations association with the word ‘coon’ and made the decision to change it.

The Golden Gaytime does have a different name in other countries, in New Zealand it is known as a Cookie Crumble.

C&I has reached out to Unilever (parent company of Streets) for further comment.

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