Packaged fruit juice consumption in Australia is falling according to Roy Morgan Research.
More than 1.5 million fewer Australians aged 14 years and over are drinking packaged fruit juice in an average week compared with 2010. The number of Australians drinking juice in an average week has fallen four years in a row, from 8.6 million in the year to June 2010 (48%) to just over 7 million (37%) today.
Interestingly, the top three brands remain the same as in 2011 and in the same order: Berri (now drunk by 7.5% of Australians, down from 13.3%); Golden Circle (5.6%, down from 8.0%), and Daily Juice (5.2%, down from 7.2%).
Coles and Woolworths home brands have become more popular—overtaking Just Juice.
Nudie is one of the few brands that more of us drink now (1.8%) than four years ago (0.2%).
Australians drinking Top 7 fruit juice/drink brands in average week:
Source: Roy Morgan Single Source, July 2009–June 2014, average annual sample =18,912 Australians 14+.
The growth in nudie sales has not been channel specific according to Richard Glenn, GM Sales at nudie. nudie products are selling well in both the supermarket and in the convenience and route channels according to Mr Glenn. What’s more, this success is not skewed towards a particular format, with sales of individual product serves and larger take-home packs showing strong performance across the board.
Mr Glenn attributed the success of nudie in part to its strong brand which resonates with consumers, “There is a strong consumer demand and trend towards ‘less is more’ and nudie delivers against that. Consumers are more educated and are reading the labels. When it comes to nudie, they are getting a very pure and unadulterated product with no added sugar, preservatives or artificial flavours and the product is not made from concentrate.”
Additionally, Mr Glenn was able to explain that nudie is “very strong on innovation” – producing various products (such as the super-nudie and veggie platforms) to meet consumer needs and trends. “nudie is very on-trend at a time when consumers are demanding very clean products. nudie is very accessible to everybody”.