Ferrero’s sustainability report shows progress towards targets

Ferrero’s 15th Sustainability Report demonstrates solid progress towards the company’s sustainability targets.

The report highlights Ferrero’s continued focus on driving greater transparency across its core-ingredients supply chain, in line with its responsible sourcing approach. Ferrero’s packaging is also now 90.7 per cent designed to be recyclable, reusable, or compostable.

Giovanni Ferrero, Executive Chairman of the Ferrero Group, said Ferrero Group recognises the critical role that the company plays in safeguarding nature for future generations.

“We reaffirmed through concrete engagements that sustainability is embedded in Ferrero’s long-term strategy. All four pillars of our sustainability framework guide every strategic decision we take.

“As Ferrero grows and diversifies its portfolio, we continue to value our long-term partnerships, in particular those dedicated to the communities where we operate and where our raw materials are sourced. We believe in the importance of partnerships to achieve progress, to move forward our sector’s social and environmental agenda, and finally to create societal value.”

The report highlights the headway the company has made in its key sustainability pillars of Protecting the Environment, Sourcing Ingredients Responsibly, Promoting Responsible Consumption and Empowering People.

Ferrero has now achieved 90 per cent traceability in its hazelnut supply chain, a significant increase from the 2021/22 result of 79 per cent. It has also helped address complex supply chain challenges, like deforestation, across the areas from which it sources ingredients.

The company is a long-standing member of the World Cocoa Foundation (WCF) and the International Cocoa Initiative (ICI) and collaborates with organisations such as Save the Children, Children, working with 65 communities in the Haut-Sassandra Region in Ivory Coast, one of the main sourcing countries for cocoa, reaching over 18,000 people.

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