Good Cause – 7-Eleven’s community partnership program

Since its establishment in Australia some 40 years ago, 7-Eleven has quietly demonstrated a commitment to the communities in which live and operate around it.

With each call for help that has gone out,  it’s responded, helping where it can, whether it be providing water during an emergency, running a BBQ to raise funds for a children’s hospital, supporting the local football club or raising over $500k for breast cancer.

Right now, with 13.3% of the population living in poverty, 1 in 200 people homeless and 2 million Australians struggling to feed their families, it’s evident that more support is needed.

That’s why 7-Eleven is proud to introduce 7-Eleven’s new community partnership program, Good Cause.

Good Cause has been developed to help our people to join together and make a genuine difference to the communities it serves across the network.

Good Cause will give a home to all 7-Eleven’s existing charitable activities and add new and exciting projects which will see the team, as an organisation and as individuals, inject greater capacity into incredible charities already doing great work for Australia.

The Good Cause program will provide opportunities for the team to collaborate with specially chosen partners, taking a hands-on approach to shaping the projects and outcomes, giving the time, talent and treasure. Simply put, we want this to be more than just giving money.

Through Good Cause the company has a tremendous chance to really make a difference. It’s their opportunity to invest and help create a better Australia.

Further, into the future, it’s time for 7-Eleven to take a strong step forward, and do more where it’s needed.  They’ll continue to share information and their key partnerships.

Please speak to your 7-Eleven contact if you’d like to help our partners in some way – it’s all for a Good Cause.

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