Environmental Monitoring Solutions Pty Ltd [EMS] is delighted to announce it has accepted a partnership with Amazon Web Services (AWS) as an Independent Software Vendor.
Fuelsuite, the leading fuel management innovation by EMS, was built on a range of AWS technologies. Fuelsuite is a cloud-based fuel management solution that allows users to access remote fuel site data in real-time. Fuelsuite has disrupted the retail fuel industry by improving fuel management, maintenance, and mitigating fuel loss and environmental risk.
The support of AWS has allowed for rapid deployment and scalability of Fuelsuite from virtually anywhere in the world. Since its release in September 2017, EMS has connected 1,070 retail petrol stations with Fuelsuite’s enabling IoT device Fuelscan across the globe.
The AWS partnership will support EMS’s accelerated growth as they continue to improve enterprise fuel management within the retail petroleum industry. By leveraging AWS’s global footprint, EMS will have supported entry into China, India, ASEAN and other international markets.
EMS recently presented the benefits of Fuelsuite at the AWS Summit in Sydney, and has received an invitation to present Fuelsuite to the Institute of Engineers Australia. Since then, demand for EMS’s innovative fuel management solutions has cascaded throughout South Africa, Brazil, Europe and surrounding regions.
To support continuous Industry improvement and innovation of enterprise wide remote fuel management within the industry, EMS is seeking expressions of interest for reputable like-minded partners in China, India and ASEAN regions.
To learn more about Fuelsuite and global partnering opportunities, contact EMS via email enquiries@drivingfueliq.com or visit www.drivingfueliq.com