Optus demonstrates power of 5G tech

Optus gave shoppers a taste this week of how 5G technology will revolutionise shopping.

Holding an event at a Sydney Westfield shopping centre yesterday, the telco used augmented reality technology (AR) to showcase how it works to create and interactive and personally tailored shopping experience.

Using a Samsung Galaxy s20, shoppers were given the opportunity to try the tech first hand, and were provided in-app hyper-personalised deals and product suggestions curated from their profile preferences. They were also provided insights on stock availability in their size, and the chance to view how items would look on, without ever stepping inside a store.

Optus VP Content and Product Development said it demonstrated the power of 5G for creating dynamic and efficient shopping experiences for time-poor consumers and had huge potential for retailers to engage with customers.

Shoppers seeking a particular pair of shoes, for example, can use the tech to hold their phone over an image of the shoes to be provided a list of shops that have them in stock in their size – and which has the cheapest price.

“Not only does this save the shopper time foraging through the mall, it also has the potential to save them money,” he said.

CEO of Virtual Immersive, Simone Clow, said it would revolutionise the shopping experience.

“The 5G enabled shopping future will give us greater control over our purchasing decisions. By utilising blockchain we can visually depict in AR where the materials from an item such as clothing were sourced, which is becoming increasingly important to savvy shoppers looking for sustainable and ethically made products,” Ms Clow said.

“Personalised suggestions of outfits can also be presented to shoppers based on their profile and preferences, revolutionising the way we shop.”

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