Steggles has launched its ‘Host a Roast’ campaign to help raise money for seriously ill children and their families.
The campaign encourages Australian families to buy a Steggles Family Roast during the month of July, with 30 cents from every purchase going towards children’s charities.
Kristina Keneally, CEO at Sydney Children’s Hospitals Foundation, said they were proud to partner with Steggles.
“We know that for many children and young people, being away from home is one of the hardest parts of their healthcare journey. We also know that while kids are missing home, home is missing them too.
“Creating spaces and programs that focus on family togetherness and promote health and wellbeing is at the heart of our efforts to support the incredible work happening across Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network and we are so grateful to have dedicated partners like Steggles to help us achieve this.”
First launched in 2018, the charity initiative is part of a wider Steggles Charity Nest that has raised close to $12 million to help support a range of children’s charities, such as Children’s Cancer Institute, Ronald McDonald House, Lifestart, the Children’s Hospital Foundation and more.
Yash Gandhi, Head of Marketing at Steggles, said it’s such a privilege to be able to make a difference to the lives of the brave children and their families doing it tough.
“Steggles is known for bringing families together over food it’s what we do, and we are grateful that we are able to provide this experience and help with the wonderful work charities like SCHF do.” To launch the campaign, Steggles surprised the staff, children, and families of Bear Cottage Hospice, which is an initiative of the Children’s Hospital at Westmead and affiliated to the Sydney Children’s Hospital Network.
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